Butterfield Overland Mail Station

Butterfield Overland Mail Station – The marker is missing

Wellton, Yuma County, Arizona
32.675325, -114.135275

Historical Significance: 
A marker was placed near the Old Butterfield Overland Mail Trail to commemorate the stagecoach passenger and mail service that ran overland from St. Louis to California from 1859 to 1861. The Civil War interrupted the stagecoach mail service, and railroads later replaced them. The Arizona stage line followed roughly the route of the current Interstate 10 and ran through the Dragoon mountains to take advantage of natural springs in the area, a route that had been used for hundreds of  years by the Apache tribes. The marker was later moved to Wellton, Arizona, which is 29 miles east of Yuma and had served as a water stop, also known as a well town, for the Butterfield Stage and the railroad.

The Butterfield Overland Mail stagecoaches crossed the Colorado River at the Yuma crossing.

In March 2019, the Maricopa Chapter, NSDAR, verified that the marker is missing.

March 23, 1934

Yuma Chapter, NSDAR

A vintage snapshot of a marker without details; text is unreadable. The Butterfield Overland Mail marker.
Butterfield Overland Mail Station marker
Undated image
A snapshot of a desert scene with tire tracks and shrubs in the foreground and hills in the distance, thought to be the site of the mail station.
Wellton, Arizona
March 2019


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