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First Arizona DAR Regent
Eliza G. Price Ainsworth
of Maricopa Chapter

Arizona State Society, DAR, First Regent – Eliza G. Price Ainsworth

Rosemont Cemetery
Newberry, Newberry County, South Carolina
34.290986, -81.621647

Historical Significance:
On April 19, 1902, under the shade of towering palm trees, a “little party congregated for a patriotic service,” and the Arizona State Society of DAR was chartered. That day was to be only the beginning of many years of service to the community and future state of Arizona by DAR. The charter was a long process that began when Arizona was a territory, and Eliza Blakeley Graham Price (later Ainsworth) was appointed in February 1900 as state regent of the Arizona State Society, DAR. Through her tireless efforts, and with the assistance of Henrietta Hubbard Talbot, the first chapter in the Arizona Territory organized February 16, 1901, and became Maricopa Chapter, NSDAR.

The marker placed at Eliza Ainsworth’s grave  was part of the 1998-2000 State Regent’s Project. Members of the Jasper Chapter, NSDAR, of Newberry, South Carolina, were in attendance.

February 2000

Arizona State Society, DAR

A collage of two snapshots showing a simple marker and gravestone. The gravestone reads, “Eliza G. Price Ainsworth, Mar. 4, 1873 / Dec. 21, 1963.”
Gravestone and memorial marker, Eliza G. Price Ainsworth, March 2019.


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Unless otherwise noted, images are courtesy of Arizona State Society, DAR, Daughters.