American Revolutionary War Memorial:
George Wertz, Soldier

American Revolutionary War Soldier’s Grave
of George Wertz, Soldier
January 31, 1745 – November 27, 1798

Quincy Cemetery: Wertz family plot
Franklin County, Pennsylvania

Historical Significance:
George Wertz served as a soldier in the American Revolutionary War with Pennsylvania. In addition to his military service, he provided patriotic service through the payment of supply taxes, 1778-1782.

A native of Franklin County, Pennsylvania, George Wertz is buried in the family plot in Quincy Township, Pennsylvania. During the 1850’s and until the end of the Civil War, the family farm served as a “station” of the Underground Railroad.

October 2, 2021

Madera Canyon Chapter, NSDAR, in conjunction with Franklin County Chapter, NSDAR, in Pennsylvania

A snapshot of a marker set in concrete. Information is in the body of this page
Marker, George Wertz, October 2, 2021.
Three women in a grassy, hillside cemetery, standing next to a family memorial, with the marker set beside it.
Dedication, October 2, 2021


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